Monday 2 April 2012

Ruler Growth Chart

It is usual for me to make and swap or make and gift most of the work on here..................this one is a gift to my boys so its not leaving the house.................because I LOVE it!

You can find this idea on a lot of different sites but all I have seen are in imperial measurements.
This would have been a lot easier for me, with less fiddling with text, in the end I decided to go with cm as the boys will be educated in the metric system.

I purchased this pine length from my local hardware and softened the corners and edges with sandpaper.

The text is a font I chose from my word program, Felix Titling, there was a lot to choose from but I think this looks like it fits in with the theme.

I chose to carbon copy the numbers onto the board and then black Sharpie them..............with all intentions of going back and using an acrylic over the top.
The sharpie has come up really well and honestly took me so long I dont think I could do it again in paint!

The boys love the end result and I have to say it looks pretty cool in thier room, very boyish! lol


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